Upper and Lower CAM LOKS
For Locking Your Upper
and Lower Units
The "Cam Lok" now enables you to lock your upper and
lower unit. It can be used in the water, during storage, or during
transit. Due to its design this uhit is a superior theft deterent,
making i the finest available on the market today. Our top of the
line locks have one million more lock combin ations than all our
competitors combined. The Cam Lok locking nut is made of heat-treated
stainless stee and takes only a few minutes to install.
Can be keyed alike.

Upper Cam Lok

Lower Cam Lok
Anti Theft Locking System with
the patented Anti-Twist Lock Adapter
Your stern drive is an easy, and profitable target for thieves.
It can be removed from your boat in minutes. You can protect this
valuable piece of equipment in seconds with one of Monarch's Anti-Theft
Lock Adapters. The adapters lock to the stern after the removal
of a nut and washer. Simply insert the adapter on the stud-with
the flat side to the outdrive. The new nut (supplied) is put in
place and tightened, and the adapter is then locked in place.

Your stern drive can be removed in minutes , prevent this with
Stern Guard
Our Top of the Line Lock Adapter
with the Superior Locking System has more than a million more combinations
than all our competitors products combined.
The adapter housing and special nut are crafted from non corrosive
18-8 stainless steel, "O" rings, both front and rear,
to assure a water-tight seal. The adapter comes with a special High
Security Locking System, including a key as unique as a bank vault
- with millions of combinations.